c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
Utility Files

Header files for General Utilities.


 Application Files


file  changeable.hpp
 A simple class to track member data changes.
file  trueFalseT.hpp
 Declares and defines a true-false virtual type used for boolean template overrides.
file  typeDescription.hpp
 Type description helper classes.
file  typeTraits.hpp
 A collection of type trait evaluations.
file  environment.hpp
 Utilities for working with the environment.
file  gitRepo.hpp
 Interrogate the current state of a git repository (declarations)
file  sys.hpp
 Library include for the sys module.
file  timeUtils.hpp
 Utilities for working with time.
file  ompLoopWatcher.hpp
 Track iterations in an OMP parallelized looop.
file  binVector.hpp
 A utility to read/write vectors of data from/to a binary file.
file  pout.hpp
 Declaration and definition of a simple formatted output function.
file  rawBinary.hpp
 Provides functions for working with raw binary files.
file  environment.cpp
 Utilities for working with the environment.
file  gitRepo.cpp
 Interrogate the current state of a git repository (definitions)
file  timeUtils.cpp
 Definitions for utilities for working with time.