c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
▼Nmx | The mxlib c++ namespace |
►NAO | |
►Nanalysis | |
CaoAtmosphere | A class to specify atmosphere parameters and perform related calculations |
CaoSystem | Describes an analytic adaptive optics (AO) system |
CcalculatedWFS | The calculated WFS uses sensitivities provided by FITS files |
CclAOLinearPredictor | Class to manage the calculation of linear predictor coefficients for a closed-loop AO system |
CfourierCovariance | Structure to manage the Fourier mode covariance calculation, passed to integration functions |
CfourierTemporalPSD | Class to manage the calculation of temporal PSDs of the Fourier modes in atmospheric turbulence |
CpywfsModAsymptotic | The asymptotic modulated pyramid wavefront sensor sensitivity function |
CpywfsUnmod | The unmodulated pyramid wavefront sensor sensitivity function |
Cshwfs | The shack hartmann wavefront sensor sensitivity function |
CvonKarmanSpectrum | Manage calculations using the von Karman spatial power spectrum |
Cwfs | The ideal wavefront sensor sensitivity function |
CzernikeCovariance | Structure to manage the zernike mode covariance calculation, passed to integration functions |
CzernikeTemporalPSD | Class to manage the calculation of temporal PSDs of the Fourier modes in atmospheric turbulence |
►Nsim | |
CccdDetector | A simulated CCD detector |
CdirectPhaseReconstructor | Direct Phase Reconstructor |
CgeneralIntegrator | Implements a general integrator controller |
CleakyIntegrator | Implements the leaky integrator controller |
CpywfsSlopeReconstructor | A Pyramid Wavefront Sensor slope reconstructor |
CsimulatedAOSystem | A simulated AO system |
CturbAtmosphere | A turbulent atmosphere simulator |
CturbLayer | Simulation of a single turbulent layer |
CturbSubHarmonic | A class to manage low-frequency sub-harmonic phase screen generation in atmospheric turbulence |
Cwavefront | Structure containing the phase and amplitude of a wavefront |
►Napp | |
CappConfigurator | Class to manage a set of configurable values, and read their values from config/ini files and the command line |
Capplication | A class for managing application configuration and execution |
CclOptions | Command line options parser |
CconfigTarget | A configuration target |
CiniFile | A wrapper for the ini functions |
►Nastro | |
►Nunits | |
Ccgs | Centimeter-Gram-Second (cgs) units-type |
Cearth | Earth units-type |
Cjupiter | Jupiter units-type |
Csi | International System of Units (SI) units-type |
Csolar | Solar units-type |
CastroFilter | A spectrum from the astroFilt filter library |
CastroSpectrum | Class to manage an astronomical spectrum |
CbaseSpectrum | Base spectrum class which provides manipulation and characterization functionality |
CbasicSpectrum | A basic spectrum |
Cblackbody | The blackbody spectral energy distribution in the mx::astro::astroSpectrum form |
CcahoyGrid | |
CcahoySpectrumRaw | An albedo spectrum directly from the Cahoy et al (2010) [2] grid |
CcalspecSpectrum | A spectrum from the HST calspec library |
CearthAlbedo | Earth Albedo Spectra |
CmainSequence | Provide various characteristics of main sequence stars according to their spectral type |
CphoenixSpectrum | A spectrum from the Phoenix model, for use with ioutils::astro::astroSpectrum |
CpicklesSpectrum | A spectrum from the Pickles library |
►CsqWaveFilter | A square-wave filter spectrum |
CparamsT | The square wave is parameterized by the central wavelength, width, and sampling (all in microns) |
CvenusAlbedo | Venus Spectra |
►Nbase | |
Cchangeable | A simple class to track member data changes |
►Ncuda | |
CcudaPtr | A smart-pointer wrapper for cuda device pointers |
►Nerr | |
Callocerr | MxException for an allocation error |
Cfilecerr | MxException for errors closing a file |
Cfileoerr | MxException for errors on opening a file |
Cfilererr | MxException for errors reading from a file |
Cfilewerr | MxException for errors writing to a file |
Cinvalidarg | MxException for invalid arguments |
Cinvalidconfig | MxException for invalid config settings |
Cliberr | MxException for errors returned by a library call |
CmxException | The mxlib exception class |
Cnotimpl | MxException for not implemented features |
Cparamnotset | MxException for parameters which aren't set |
Csizeerr | MxException for a size error |
►Nfits | |
CfitsFile | Class to manage interactions with a FITS file |
CfitsHeader | Class to manage a complete fits header |
►CfitsHeaderCard | Class to manage the three components of a FITS header card |
Cvalues | The native type is held in a union |
►Nimproc | |
CADIDerotator | A generic ADI derotator class |
CADIobservation | Process an angular differential imaging (ADI) observation |
CaperturePhotometer | Class for performing aperture photometry on images |
CazBoxKernel | Azimuthally variable boxcare kernel |
CbilinearTransform | Transformation by bi-linear interpolation |
CcubicConvolTransform | Transformation by cubic convolution interpolation |
CeigenArrPlanes | Function object to return the number of planes for any Eigen like object, whether 2D or a 3D cube |
CeigenCube | An image cube with an Eigen-like API |
CgaussKernel | Symetric Gaussian smoothing kernel |
CHCIobservation | The basic high contrast imaging data type |
CimagePeakInterp | Find the peak of an image using interpolation |
CimageXCorrDiscrete | Find the optimum shift to align two images using the discrete cross correlation |
CimageXCorrFFT | Find the optimum shift to align two images using the FFT cross correlation |
CimCenterCircleSym | Find the center of the image of a point source using circular symmetry of the PSF |
CimCenterRadon | Find the center of the image of a point source using circular symmetry of the PSF |
Cis_eigenCube | Test whether a type is an eigenCube by testing whether it has a typedef of "is_eigenCube" |
CKLIPreduction | An implementation of the Karhunen-Loeve Image Processing (KLIP) algorithm |
CmilkImage | Class to interface with an ImageStreamIO image in shared memory |
CsourceFinder | Find stars in an image by SNR thresholding |
►Nioutils | |
CskipCol | A dummy class to allow mx::readColumns to skip a column(s) in a file without requiring memory allocation |
CtextTable | An ascii table formatter |
►Nipc | |
CompLoopWatcher | A class to track the number of iterations in an OMP parallelized loop |
CsharedMemSegment | A c++ class to manage a System V shared memory segment with memory mapping |
►Nmath | |
►Nfit | |
Cairy2D_obs_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the centrally obscured Airy pattern |
Cairy2D_obs_fitter_ps | levmarInterface fitter structure for the obstructed Airy pattern, including platescale |
Cairy2D_obs_fitter_ps_eps | |
Carray2Fit | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface |
Carray2FitAiry | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Airy details |
Carray2FitEmpirical | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with empirical function fit details |
Carray2FitExpModGaussian | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Exponentially Modified Gaussian details |
Carray2FitGammaDistribution | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with GammaDistribution details |
Carray2FitGaussian1D | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with !D Gaussian details |
Carray2FitGaussian2D | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with 2D Gaussian details |
Carray2FitMoffat | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Moffat details |
Carray2FitMoffat1D | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Moffat details |
Carray2FitWeibull | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Weibull details |
Cempirical2D_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for 2D empirical functions |
CfitAiry2D | Class to manage fitting a 2D Airy pattern to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitEmpirical2DGen | Class to manage fitting a 2D Moffat to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitExpModGaussian | Class to manage fitting the Exponetially Modified Gaussian Distribution to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitExpModGaussian_3param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the Exponentially Modified Gaussian with fixed constant level |
CfitExpModGaussian_4param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the Exponentially Modified Gaussian with arbitrary constant level |
CfitGammaDistribution | Class to manage fitting the GammaDistribution Distribution to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitGaussian1D | Class to manage fitting a 1D Gaussian to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitGaussian2D | Class to manage fitting a 2D Gaussian to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitMoffat1D | Class to manage fitting a 1D Moffat to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitMoffat2D | Class to manage fitting a 2D Moffat to data via the levmarInterface |
CfitWeibull | Class to manage fitting the Weibull Distribution to data via the levmarInterface |
CgammaDistribution_2param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the Gamma Distribution |
CgammaDistribution_3param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Gamma Distribution |
CgammaDistribution_4param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Gamma Distribution with arbitrary peak scaling |
Cgaussian1D_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the symmetric Gaussian |
Cgaussian2D_gen_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the general elliptical Gaussian |
Cgaussian2D_sym_fitter | Alias for the fitGaussian1D type fitting the gaussian |
ChasJacobian | Test whether a function type has a Jacobian function by testing whether it has a typedef of "hasJacobian" |
ClevmarInterface | A templatized interface to the levmar package |
Cmoffat1D_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the 1D Moffat |
Cmoffat2D_sym_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the symmetric Moffat |
Cweibull_2param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Weibull Distribution |
Cweibull_3param_fitter | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Weibull Distribution |
►Nft | |
CfftT< _inputT, _outputT, _rank, 0 > | Fast Fourier Transforms using the FFTW library |
CfftwEnvironment | Manage the FFTW environment and wisdom using RAII |
CfftwPlanSpec | Specify the type of the plan based on the real type of the data |
CfftwPlanSpec< __float128 > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for __float128 |
CfftwPlanSpec< double > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for double |
CfftwPlanSpec< float > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for float |
CfftwPlanSpec< long double > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for long double |
CfftwTypeSpec | A structure specifying various types based on the FFT input and output data types |
CfftwTypeSpec< __float128, complexQT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-quad input and complex-quad output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexDT, complexDT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-double input and complex-double output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexDT, double > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-double input and double output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexFT, complexFT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-float input and complex-float output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexFT, float > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-float input and real-float output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexLT, complexLT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-long-double input and complex-long-double output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexLT, long double > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-long-double input and real-long-double output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexQT, __float128 > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-quad input and real-quad output |
CfftwTypeSpec< complexQT, complexQT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-quad input and complex-quad output |
CfftwTypeSpec< double, complexDT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-double input and complex-double output |
CfftwTypeSpec< float, complexFT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-float input and complex-float output |
CfftwTypeSpec< long double, complexLT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-long-double input and complex-long-double output |
CmftT< _inputT, _outputT, _rank, 0 > | Matrix Fourier Transforms |
CdegradT | Type holding constants related to angle calculations in degrees |
CdegradT< degrees, _realT > | Type holding constants related to angle calculations in degrees |
CdegradT< radians, _realT > | Type holding constants related to angle calculations in radians |
CgnuPlot | An interactive c++ interface to gnuplot |
Cgsl_interp_linear | GSL Linear Interpolation |
Cgsl_interp_steffen | GSL Steffen Interpolation |
CgslInterpolator | Class to manage interpolation using the GSL interpolation library |
ChistogramUniform | A histogram with uniform bin spacing |
►Claplace_distribution | The Laplace (double exponential) continuous distribution for random numbers |
Cparam_type | |
ClogInterpolator | Interpolate a function in log space |
CrandomT | A random number type, which functions like any other arithmetic type |
CsyevrMem | A struct to hold the working memory for eigenSYEVR and maintain it between calls if desired |
►Nmeta | |
Chas_value_type< T, void_t< typename T::value_type > > | Test whether a type has a typedef of "value_type" |
Cis_std_vector | Check whether a type is std::vector or not |
Cis_std_vector< T, false > | Partial specialization for the case with no value_type member type in T |
Cis_std_vector< T, true > | Partial specialization for the case with value_type member type in T, invoking std::is_same |
CtrueFalseT | Template declaration of a trueFalseT type |
CtrueFalseT< false > | The false specialization of trueFalseT |
CtrueFalseT< true > | The true specialization of trueFalseT |
CtypeDescription | Struct which contains static members describing a type |
►Nsigproc | |
►NpsdFilterTypes | |
CarrayT | Types for different ranks in psdFilter |
CautocorrelationFromPSD | Functor for calculating the autocorrelation given a PSD |
CaveragePeriodogram | Calculate the average periodogram of a time-series |
CcircularBufferBase | CRTP base class for all circular buffers, providing the underlying memory management and accessors |
CcircularBufferBranch | Circular buffer which wraps with an if statement (branching) [faster than mod, less memory than index] |
CcircularBufferIndex | Circular buffer which wraps with a pre-populated indices array [generally fastest] |
CcircularBufferMod | Circular buffer which wraps with the mod opoerator [very slow] |
CfourierModeDef | Structure to contain the parameters of a Fourier mode |
ClinearPredictor | A class to support linear prediction |
CpsdFilter< _realT, 1 > | A class for filtering noise with PSDs using CUDA cuFFT |
CpsdFilter< _realT, _rank, 0 > | A class for filtering noise with PSDs |
CpsdVarMean | Calculate the variance of the mean for a process given its PSD |
CpsdVarMeanParams | Parameters for calculating the variance of the mean from a numerical PSD |
►Nsys | |
CgitRepo | Interrogate the current state of a git repository |
►Nwfp | |
CfraunhoferPropagator | Class to perform Fraunhofer propagation between pupil and focal planes |
CfraunhoferPropagator< _wavefrontT, 1 > | Class to perform Fraunhofer propagation between pupil and focal planes using a GPU |
CidealCoronagraph | The Ideal Coronagraph |
Cis_imagingArray | Test whether a type is an imagingArray by testing whether it has a typedef of "is_imagingArray" |
ClyotCoronagraph | The Lyot Coronagraph |