c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT > Struct Template Reference

template<typename _realT>
struct mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >

The basic high contrast imaging data type.

This class manages file reading, resizing, co-adding, pre-processing (masking and filtering), and final image combination.

Template Parameters
_realTis the floating point type in which to do all arithmetic.

Definition at line 82 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

#include <improc/HCIobservation.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >:

Public Types

typedef _realT realT
 The arithmetic type used for calculations. Does not have to match the type in images on disk. More...
typedef Eigen::Array< realT, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > eigenImageT
 The Eigen image array type basted on realT. More...

Public Member Functions

int readPSFSub (const std::string &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &ext, size_t nReductions)
 Read in already PSF-subtracted files. More...
Construction and Initialization
 HCIobservation ()
 Default c'tor. More...
 HCIobservation (const std::string &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &ext)
 Construct and load the target file list. More...
 HCIobservation (const std::string &fileListFile)
 Construct using a file containing the target file list. More...
 HCIobservation (const std::string &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &ext, const std::string &RDIdir, const std::string &RDIprefix, const std::string &RDIext="")
 Construct and load the target file list and the RDI file list. More...
 HCIobservation (const std::string &fileListFile, const std::string &RDIfileListFile)
 Construct using a file containing the target file list and a file containing the RDI target file list. More...
void load_fileList (const std::string &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &ext)
 Load the file list. More...
void load_fileList (const std::string &fileListFile)
 Load the file list from a file. More...
void load_RDIfileList (const std::string &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &ext)
 Load the RDI basis file list. More...
void load_RDIfileList (const std::string &fileListFile)
 Load the RDI basis file list from a file. More...

Thresholds are applied to a list of files before it is read, based on the image qualities supplied.

int threshold (std::vector< std::string > &fileList, const std::string &qualityFile, realT qualityThreshold)
 Read the image qualities from a qualityFile and apply the threshold to a fileList. More...

Public Attributes

The Input Target Images
eigenCube< realTm_tgtIms
 The target image cube. More...
int m_Nims {0}
 Number of images in m_tgtIms. More...
int m_Nrows {0}
 Number of rows of the images in m_tgtIms. More...
int m_Ncols {0}
 Number of columns of the images in m_tgtIms. More...
int m_Npix {0}
 Pixels per image, that is Nrows*Ncols. More...
std::vector< double > m_imageMJD
 Vector of target image times, in MJD. More...
std::vector< fits::fitsHeaderm_heads
 Vector of FITS headers, one per file, populated with the values for the keywords. More...
bool m_filesRead {false}
 Whether or not the m_fileList has been read. More...
bool m_filesDeleted {false}
 Whether or not the specified files have been deleted from m_fileList. More...
std::vector< realTm_comboWeights
 Vector to hold the image weights read from the m_weightFile. More...
The Input Reference Images
eigenCube< realTm_refIms
 The optional reference image cube. More...
std::vector< double > m_RDIimageMJD
 Vector of reference image times, in MJD. More...
std::vector< fits::fitsHeaderm_RDIheads
 Vector of FITS headers, one per reference file, populated with the values for the keywords. More...
bool m_RDIfilesRead {false}
 Whether or not the reference files have been read. More...
bool m_RDIfilesDeleted {false}
 Whether or not the specified files have been deleted from m_RDIfileList. More...
The Reduced Data
std::vector< eigenCube< realT > > m_psfsub
 The PSF subtracted images. More...
eigenCube< realTm_finim
 The final combined images, one for each cube in psfsub. More...

Target File Reading

Options to control which files are read, how they are read, what meta data is extracted from FITS headers, sizing and masking, etc.

std::vector< std::string > m_fileList
 The list of files to read in. More...
int m_deleteFront {0}
 Specify how many files from m_fileList to delete from the front of the list. More...
int m_deleteBack {0}
 Specify how many files from m_fileList to delete from the back of the list. More...
std::string m_qualityFile
 File containing 2 space-delimited columns of fileVame qualityValue pairs. More...
realT m_qualityThreshold {0}
 Threshold to apply to qualityValues read from qualityFile. More...
bool m_thresholdOnly {false}
 Just prints the names and qualities of the files which pass threshold, and stop. More...
std::string m_MJDKeyword {"DATE-OBS"}
 Name of the keyword to use for the image date. More...
bool m_MJDisISO8601 {true}
 Whether or not the date is in ISO 8601 format. More...
realT m_MJDUnits {1.0}
 If the date is not ISO 8601, this specifies the conversion to Julian Days (i.e. seconds to days) More...
std::vector< std::string > m_keywords
 Vector of FITS header keywords to read from the files in m_fileList. More...
int m_imSize {0}
 Set the image size. Images are cut down to this size after reading. More...
int readFiles ()
 Read the list of files, cut to size, and preprocess. More...
virtual int postReadFiles ()
 Perform post-read actions for the target images, for use by derived classes. More...
virtual int postCoadd ()
 Perform post-coadd actions for the target images, for use by derived classes. More...

Reference File Reading

For RDI, Options to control which files are read, how they are read, what meta data is extracted from FITS headers, sizing and masking, etc.

std::vector< std::string > m_RDIfileList
 The list of files to read in for the RDI basis. More...
int m_RDIdeleteFront {0}
 Specify how many files from m_RDIfileList to delete from the front of the list. More...
int m_RDIdeleteBack {0}
 Specify how many files from m_RDIfileList to delete from the back of the list. More...
std::string m_RDIqualityFile
 File containing 2 space-delimited columns of fileMame qualityValue pairs for the reference images. More...
realT m_RDIqualityThreshold {0}
 Threshold to apply to qualityValues read from qualityFile. More...
std::vector< std::string > m_RDIkeywords
 Vector of FITS header keywords to read from the files in m_fileList. More...
int readRDIFiles ()
 Read the list of reference files, cut to size, and preprocess. More...
virtual int postRDIReadFiles ()
 Perform post-read actions for the RDI images, for use by derived classes. More...
virtual int postRDICoadd ()
 Perform post-coadd actions, for use by derived classes. More...


These parameters control whether and how the images are coadded after being read. Coadding can be done up to a given number of images, and/or a given elapsed time.

Averages the values of given Keywords as well.

int m_coaddCombineMethod {HCI::noCombine}
 Determine how to coadd the raw images. More...
int m_coaddMaxImno {0}
 Maximum number of images to coadd. More...
realT m_coaddMaxTime {0}
 Maximum elapsed time over which to coadd the images. More...
std::vector< std::string > m_coaddKeywords
 The values of these keywords will be averaged and replaced. More...
void coaddImages (int coaddCombineMethod, int coaddMaxImno, int coaddMaxTime, std::vector< std::string > &coaddKeywords, std::vector< double > &imageMJD, std::vector< fits::fitsHeader > &heads, eigenCube< realT > &ims)
 Coadd the images. More...


A 1/0 mask can be supplied, which is used in pre-processing and in image combination.

std::string m_maskFile
 Specify a mask file to apply. More...
eigenImageT m_mask
 The mask. More...
eigenCube< realTm_maskCube
 A cube of masks, one for each input image, which may be modified versions (e.g. rotated) of mask. More...
void readMask ()
 Read the mask file, resizing to imSize if needed. More...
virtual void makeMaskCube ()
 Populate the mask cube which is used for post-processing. Derived classes can do this as appropriate, e.g. by rotating the mask. More...


These options control the pre-processing masking and filtering. They are performed in the following order:

  1. mask applied (enabled by m_preProcess_mask
  2. radial profile subtraction (enabled by m_preProcess_subradprof)
  3. mask applied (enabled by m_preProcess_mask
  4. symmetric median unsharp mask (m_preProcess_gaussUSM_fwhm)
  5. symmetric Gaussian unsharp mask (m_preProcess_gaussUSM_fwhm)
  6. mask applied (enabled by m_preProcess_mask
  7. azimuthal unsharp mask (m_preProcess_azUSM_azW, and m_preProcess_azUSM_radW)
  8. mask applied (enabled by m_preProcess_mask)
bool m_skipPreProcess {false}
 Don't do any of the pre-processing steps (including coadding). More...
bool m_preProcess_beforeCoadd {false}
 controls whether pre-processing takes place before or after coadding More...
bool m_preProcess_mask {true}
 If true, the mask is applied during each pre-processing step. More...
bool m_preProcess_subradprof {false}
 If true, a radial profile is subtracted from each image. More...
realT m_preProcess_azUSM_azW {0}
 Azimuthal boxcar width for azimuthal unsharp mask [pixels]. More...
realT m_preProcess_azUSM_maxAz {45}
 Mazimum azimuthal boxcar width for azimuthal unsharp mask [degrees]. More...
realT m_preProcess_azUSM_radW {0}
 Radial boxcar width for azimuthal unsharp mask [pixels]. More...
int m_preProcess_medianUSM_fwhm {0}
 Kernel FWHM for symmetric box median unsharp mask (USM) More...
realT m_preProcess_gaussUSM_fwhm {0}
 Kernel FWHM for symmetric Gaussian unsharp mask (USM) More...
std::string m_preProcess_outputPrefix
 Set path and file prefix to output the pre-processed images. More...
bool m_preProcess_only {false}
 If true, then we stop after pre-processing. More...
void preProcess (eigenCube< realT > &ims)
 Do the pre-processing. More...

Image Combination

These options control how the final image combination is performed.

int m_combineMethod {HCI::meanCombine}
 Determine how to combine the PSF subtracted images. More...
std::string m_weightFile
 Specifies a file containing the image weights, for combining with weighted mean. More...
realT m_sigmaThreshold {0}
 The standard deviation threshold used if combineMethod == HCI::sigmaMeanCombine. More...
realT m_minGoodFract {0.0}
 The minimum fraction of good (un-masked) pixels to include in the final combination (0.0 to 1.0). If not met, then the pixel will be NaN-ed. More...
int readWeights ()
 Read the image weights from m_weightFile. More...
void combineFinim ()
 Combine the images into a single final image. More...


These options control the ouput of the final combined images and the individual PSF subtracted images.

int m_doWriteFinim {1}
 Set whether the final combined image is written to disk. More...
std::string m_outputDir
 The directory where to write output files. More...
std::string m_finimName {"finim_"}
 The base file name of the output final image. More...
bool m_exactFinimName {false}
 Use m_finimName exactly as specified, without appending a number or an extension. More...
bool m_doOutputPSFSub {false}
 Controls whether or not the individual PSF subtracted images are written to disk. More...
std::string m_PSFSubPrefix
 Prefix of the FITS file names used to write individual PSF subtracted images to disk if m_doOutputPSFSub is true. More...
void outputPreProcessed ()
 Output the pre-processed target images. More...
void outputRDIPreProcessed ()
 Output the pre-processed reference images. More...
void stdFitsHeader (fits::fitsHeader &head)
 Fill in the HCIobservation standard FITS header. More...
void writeFinim (fits::fitsHeader *addHead=0)
 Write the final combined image to disk. More...
void outputPSFSub (fits::fitsHeader *addHead=0)
 Write the PSF subtracted images to disk. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ eigenImageT

template<typename _realT >
typedef Eigen::Array<realT, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::eigenImageT

The Eigen image array type basted on realT.

Definition at line 89 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ realT

template<typename _realT >
typedef _realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::realT

The arithmetic type used for calculations. Does not have to match the type in images on disk.

Definition at line 86 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HCIobservation() [1/5]

template<typename _realT >
mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::HCIobservation

Default c'tor.

Definition at line 676 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ HCIobservation() [2/5]

template<typename _realT >
mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::HCIobservation ( const std::string &  dir,
const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  ext 

Construct and load the target file list.

Populates the m_fileList vector by searching on disk for files which match "dir/prefix*.ext". See load_fileList

[in]dirthe directory to search.
[in]prefixthe initial part of the file name. Can be empty "".
[in]extthe extension to append to the file name, must include the '.'.

Definition at line 681 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ HCIobservation() [3/5]

template<typename _realT >
mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::HCIobservation ( const std::string &  fileListFile)

Construct using a file containing the target file list.

Populates the m_fileList vector by reading the file, which should be a single column of new-line delimited file names.

[in]fileListFilea file name path to read.

Definition at line 690 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ HCIobservation() [4/5]

template<typename _realT >
mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::HCIobservation ( const std::string &  dir,
const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  ext,
const std::string &  RDIdir,
const std::string &  RDIprefix,
const std::string &  RDIext = "" 

Construct and load the target file list and the RDI file list.

Populates the m_fileList vector by searching on disk for files which match "dir/prefix*.ext". See load_fileList

Populates the m_RDIfileList vector by searching on disk for files which match "RDIdir/RDIprefix*.RDIext". See load_RDIfileList

[in]dirthe directory to search.
[in]prefixthe initial part of the file name. Can be empty "".
[in]extthe extension to append to the file name, must include the '.'.
[in]RDIdirthe directory to search for the reference files.
[in]RDIprefixthe initial part of the file name for the reference files. Can be empty "".
[in]RDIext[optional] the extension to append to the RDI file name, must include the '.'. If empty "" then same extension as target files is used.

Definition at line 697 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ HCIobservation() [5/5]

template<typename _realT >
mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::HCIobservation ( const std::string &  fileListFile,
const std::string &  RDIfileListFile 

Construct using a file containing the target file list and a file containing the RDI target file list.

Populates the m_fileList vector by reading the file, which should be a single column of new-line delimited file names.

Populates the m_RDIfileList vector by reading the file, which should be a single column of new-line delimited file names.

[in]fileListFilea file name path to read for the target file names.
[in]RDIfileListFilea file name path to read for the reference file names.

Definition at line 719 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ coaddImages()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::coaddImages ( int  coaddCombineMethod,
int  coaddMaxImno,
int  coaddMaxTime,
std::vector< std::string > &  coaddKeywords,
std::vector< double > &  imageMJD,
std::vector< fits::fitsHeader > &  heads,
eigenCube< realT > &  ims 

◆ combineFinim()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::combineFinim

Combine the images into a single final image.

Images are combined by the method specified in combineMethod

Definition at line 1608 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::sys::get_curr_time(), mx::improc::HCI::meanCombine, mx::improc::HCI::medianCombine, mx::improc::HCI::noCombine, and mx::improc::HCI::sigmaMeanCombine.

◆ load_fileList() [1/2]

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::load_fileList ( const std::string &  dir,
const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  ext 

Load the file list.

Populates the m_fileList vector by searching on disk for files which match the given parameters. Uses mx::getFileNames to search for all files which match "dir/prefix*.ext".

[in]dirthe directory to search.
[in]prefixthe initial part of the file name. Can be empty "".
[in]extthe extension to append to the file name, which must include the '.'. Can be empty "".

Definition at line 728 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::getFileNames().

◆ load_fileList() [2/2]

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::load_fileList ( const std::string &  fileListFile)

Load the file list from a file.

Populates the m_fileList vector by reading the file, which should be a single column of new-line delimited file names.

[in]fileListFilea file name path to read.

Definition at line 738 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::readColumns().

◆ load_RDIfileList() [1/2]

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::load_RDIfileList ( const std::string &  dir,
const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  ext 

Load the RDI basis file list.

Populates the m_RDIfileList vector by searching on disk for files which match the given parameters. Uses mx::getFileNames to search for all files which match "dir/prefix*.ext".

[in]dirthe directory to search.
[in]prefixthe initial part of the file name. Can be empty "".
[in]extthe extension to append to the file name, which must include the '.'. Can be empty "".

Definition at line 745 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::getFileNames().

◆ load_RDIfileList() [2/2]

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::load_RDIfileList ( const std::string &  fileListFile)

Load the RDI basis file list from a file.

Populates the m_fileList vector by reading the file, which should be a single column of new-line delimited file names.

[in]fileListFilea file name path to read.

Definition at line 755 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::readColumns().

◆ makeMaskCube()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::makeMaskCube

Populate the mask cube which is used for post-processing. Derived classes can do this as appropriate, e.g. by rotating the mask.

Reimplemented in mx::improc::ADIobservation< _realT, _derotFunctObj >.

Definition at line 1381 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ outputPreProcessed()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::outputPreProcessed

Output the pre-processed target images.

Should add a HISTORY card here

Definition at line 1716 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::pathFilename(), and mx::fits::fitsFile< dataT >::write().

◆ outputPSFSub()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::outputPSFSub ( fits::fitsHeader addHead = 0)

◆ outputRDIPreProcessed()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::outputRDIPreProcessed ( )

Output the pre-processed reference images.

◆ postCoadd()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::postCoadd

Perform post-coadd actions for the target images, for use by derived classes.

0 on success
<0 on error.

Reimplemented in mx::improc::ADIobservation< _realT, _derotFunctObj >.

Definition at line 970 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ postRDICoadd()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::postRDICoadd

Perform post-coadd actions, for use by derived classes.

A key example is to update keywords after the averaging occurs in coaddImages().

0 on success
<0 on error.

Reimplemented in mx::improc::ADIobservation< _realT, _derotFunctObj >.

Definition at line 1141 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ postRDIReadFiles()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::postRDIReadFiles

Perform post-read actions for the RDI images, for use by derived classes.

Reimplemented in mx::improc::ADIobservation< _realT, _derotFunctObj >.

Definition at line 1135 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ postReadFiles()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::postReadFiles

Perform post-read actions for the target images, for use by derived classes.

Reimplemented in mx::improc::ADIobservation< _realT, _derotFunctObj >.

Definition at line 964 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ preProcess()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::preProcess ( eigenCube< realT > &  ims)

Do the pre-processing.

[in]imsthe image cube, should be either m_tgtIms or m_refIms

Definition at line 1398 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::improc::filterImage(), mx::sys::get_curr_time(), mx::improc::eigenCube< dataT >::image(), mx::improc::medianSmooth(), and mx::improc::radprofim().

◆ readFiles()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::readFiles

◆ readMask()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::readMask

Read the mask file, resizing to imSize if needed.

here re-size mask if needed to match imSize

Definition at line 1359 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::fits::fitsFile< dataT >::read().

◆ readPSFSub()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::readPSFSub ( const std::string &  dir,
const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  ext,
size_t  nReductions 

◆ readRDIFiles()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::readRDIFiles

Read the list of reference files, cut to size, and preprocess.

The target files must be read with readFiles() before calling this method.

0 on success, -1 on error.

Definition at line 977 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::fits::fitsHeader::append(), mx::sys::get_curr_time(), mx::sys::ISO8601date2mjd(), mx::improc::HCI::noCombine, mx::fits::fitsFile< dataT >::read(), mx::fits::fitsFile< dataT >::setReadSize(), and mx::improc::zeroNaNCube().

◆ readWeights()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::readWeights

Read the image weights from m_weightFile.

This is called by readFiles().

0 on success, -1 on error.

Definition at line 1553 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::pathFilename(), and mx::ioutils::readColumns().

◆ stdFitsHeader()

template<typename _realT >
void mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::stdFitsHeader ( fits::fitsHeader head)

Fill in the HCIobservation standard FITS header.

head[in.out] the fistHeader structure which will have cards appended to it.

Definition at line 1734 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::fits::fitsHeader::append(), mx::improc::HCI::combineMethodStr(), mx::improc::HCI::noCombine, and mx::ioutils::pathFilename().

◆ threshold()

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::threshold ( std::vector< std::string > &  fileList,
const std::string &  qualityFile,
realT  qualityThreshold 

Read the image qualities from a qualityFile and apply the threshold to a fileList.

This is called by readFiles().

0 on success, -1 on error.
fileList[in.out] the fileList to threshold
[in]qualityFilethe path to the file containing qualities, one per file.
[in]qualityThresholdthe quality threshold to apply

Definition at line 1147 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

References mx::ioutils::pathFilename(), and mx::ioutils::readColumns().

◆ writeFinim()

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_coaddCombineMethod

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_coaddCombineMethod {HCI::noCombine}

Determine how to coadd the raw images.

Possibilities are

No other types of combination are currently supported for coadding.

Definition at line 414 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_coaddKeywords

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<std::string> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_coaddKeywords

The values of these keywords will be averaged and replaced.

Definition at line 423 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_coaddMaxImno

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_coaddMaxImno {0}

Maximum number of images to coadd.

Definition at line 417 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_coaddMaxTime

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_coaddMaxTime {0}

Maximum elapsed time over which to coadd the images.

Definition at line 420 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_combineMethod

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_combineMethod {HCI::meanCombine}

Determine how to combine the PSF subtracted images.

Possibilities are

  • HCI::noCombine – do not combine
  • HCI::medianCombine – [default] final image is the median
  • HCI::meanCombine – final image is the simple mean
  • HCI::weightedMeanCombine – final image is the weighted mean. m_weightFile must be provided.
  • HCI::sigmaMeanCombine – final image is sigma clipped mean. If m_sigmaThreshold <= 0, then it reverts to meanCombine.

Definition at line 539 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_comboWeights

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<realT> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_comboWeights

Vector to hold the image weights read from the m_weightFile.

After readWeights is executed by readFiles, this will contain the normalized weights.

check how comboWeights are handled in coadding

Definition at line 205 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_deleteBack

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_deleteBack {0}

Specify how many files from m_fileList to delete from the back of the list.

Definition at line 260 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_deleteFront

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_deleteFront {0}

Specify how many files from m_fileList to delete from the front of the list.

Definition at line 257 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_doOutputPSFSub

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_doOutputPSFSub {false}

Controls whether or not the individual PSF subtracted images are written to disk.

  • true – write to disk
  • false – [default] don't write to disk

Definition at line 596 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_doWriteFinim

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_doWriteFinim {1}

Set whether the final combined image is written to disk.

Definition at line 575 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_exactFinimName

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_exactFinimName {false}

Use m_finimName exactly as specified, without appending a number or an extension.

Output is still FITS format, regardless of extension. This will overwrite an existing file without asking.

Definition at line 590 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_fileList

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<std::string> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_fileList

The list of files to read in.

This can be set on construction or by calling load_fileList

Definition at line 254 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_filesDeleted

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_filesDeleted {false}

Whether or not the specified files have been deleted from m_fileList.

Definition at line 199 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_filesRead

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_filesRead {false}

Whether or not the m_fileList has been read.

Definition at line 196 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_finim

template<typename _realT >
eigenCube<realT> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_finim

The final combined images, one for each cube in psfsub.

Definition at line 240 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_finimName

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_finimName {"finim_"}

The base file name of the output final image.

The complete name is formed by combining with a sequential number and the ".fits" extension. that is: m_finimName0000.fits. This behavior can be modified with m_exactFinimName.

Definition at line 584 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_heads

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<fits::fitsHeader> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_heads

Vector of FITS headers, one per file, populated with the values for the keywords.

Definition at line 193 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_imageMJD

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<double> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_imageMJD

Vector of target image times, in MJD.

Definition at line 190 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_imSize

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_imSize {0}

Set the image size. Images are cut down to this size after reading.

Set to <= 0 to use images uncut.

Image sizes are not increased if this is larger than their size on disk.

Definition at line 305 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_keywords

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<std::string> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_keywords

Vector of FITS header keywords to read from the files in m_fileList.

Definition at line 298 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_mask

template<typename _realT >
eigenImageT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_mask

The mask.

Definition at line 448 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_maskCube

template<typename _realT >
eigenCube<realT> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_maskCube

A cube of masks, one for each input image, which may be modified versions (e.g. rotated) of mask.

Definition at line 450 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_maskFile

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_maskFile

Specify a mask file to apply.

No mask is applied if this is empty.

Definition at line 446 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_minGoodFract

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_minGoodFract {0.0}

The minimum fraction of good (un-masked) pixels to include in the final combination (0.0 to 1.0). If not met, then the pixel will be NaN-ed.

Definition at line 553 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_MJDisISO8601

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_MJDisISO8601 {true}

Whether or not the date is in ISO 8601 format.

Definition at line 292 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_MJDKeyword

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_MJDKeyword {"DATE-OBS"}

Name of the keyword to use for the image date.

Specifies the keyword corresponding to the date. This is the "DATE" keyword for file write time, and usually "DATE-OBS" for actual observation time.

Default is "DATE-OBS".

If empty "", then image date is not read.

Definition at line 289 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_MJDUnits

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_MJDUnits {1.0}

If the date is not ISO 8601, this specifies the conversion to Julian Days (i.e. seconds to days)

Definition at line 295 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_Ncols

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_Ncols {0}

Number of columns of the images in m_tgtIms.

Definition at line 186 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_Nims

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_Nims {0}

Number of images in m_tgtIms.

Definition at line 184 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_Npix

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_Npix {0}

Pixels per image, that is Nrows*Ncols.

Definition at line 187 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_Nrows

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_Nrows {0}

Number of rows of the images in m_tgtIms.

Definition at line 185 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_outputDir

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_outputDir

The directory where to write output files.

Definition at line 578 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_azUSM_azW

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_azUSM_azW {0}

Azimuthal boxcar width for azimuthal unsharp mask [pixels].

If this is 0 then azimuthal-USM is not performed.

Definition at line 490 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_azUSM_maxAz

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_azUSM_maxAz {45}

Mazimum azimuthal boxcar width for azimuthal unsharp mask [degrees].

Limits width close to center, preventing wrap-around. Default is 45 degrees. Set to 0 for no maximum.

Definition at line 495 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_azUSM_radW

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_azUSM_radW {0}

Radial boxcar width for azimuthal unsharp mask [pixels].

If this is 0 then azimuthal-USM is not performed.

Definition at line 500 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_beforeCoadd

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_beforeCoadd {false}

controls whether pre-processing takes place before or after coadding

Definition at line 481 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_gaussUSM_fwhm

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_gaussUSM_fwhm {0}

Kernel FWHM for symmetric Gaussian unsharp mask (USM)

USM is not performed if this is 0.

Definition at line 510 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_mask

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_mask {true}

If true, the mask is applied during each pre-processing step.

Definition at line 483 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_medianUSM_fwhm

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_medianUSM_fwhm {0}

Kernel FWHM for symmetric box median unsharp mask (USM)

USM is not performed if this is 0.

Definition at line 505 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_only

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_only {false}

If true, then we stop after pre-processing.

Definition at line 518 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_outputPrefix

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_outputPrefix

Set path and file prefix to output the pre-processed images.

If empty, then pre-processed images are not output.

Definition at line 515 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_preProcess_subradprof

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_preProcess_subradprof {false}

If true, a radial profile is subtracted from each image.

Definition at line 485 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_psfsub

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<eigenCube<realT> > mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_psfsub

The PSF subtracted images.

This is a vector of cubes so that it can contain results from different reductions, e.g. different modes when using KLIP.

Definition at line 237 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_PSFSubPrefix

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_PSFSubPrefix

Prefix of the FITS file names used to write individual PSF subtracted images to disk if m_doOutputPSFSub is true.

Definition at line 599 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_qualityFile

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_qualityFile

File containing 2 space-delimited columns of fileVame qualityValue pairs.

If this is not empty and qualityThreshold is > 0, then only images where qualityValue >= qualityThreshold are read and processed.

The only restriction on qualityThreshold is that it is > 0. It is intendend to be something like Strehl ratio.

Definition at line 269 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_qualityThreshold

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_qualityThreshold {0}

Threshold to apply to qualityValues read from qualityFile.

If <= 0, then thresholding is not performed.

Definition at line 274 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIdeleteBack

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIdeleteBack {0}

Specify how many files from m_RDIfileList to delete from the back of the list.

Definition at line 340 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIdeleteFront

template<typename _realT >
int mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIdeleteFront {0}

Specify how many files from m_RDIfileList to delete from the front of the list.

Definition at line 337 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIfileList

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<std::string> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIfileList

The list of files to read in for the RDI basis.

This is set by calling load_RDIfileList

Definition at line 334 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIfilesDeleted

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIfilesDeleted {false}

Whether or not the specified files have been deleted from m_RDIfileList.

Definition at line 226 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIfilesRead

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIfilesRead {false}

Whether or not the reference files have been read.

Definition at line 223 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIheads

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<fits::fitsHeader> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIheads

Vector of FITS headers, one per reference file, populated with the values for the keywords.

Definition at line 220 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIimageMJD

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<double> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIimageMJD

Vector of reference image times, in MJD.

Definition at line 217 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIkeywords

template<typename _realT >
std::vector<std::string> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIkeywords

Vector of FITS header keywords to read from the files in m_fileList.

Definition at line 357 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIqualityFile

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIqualityFile

File containing 2 space-delimited columns of fileMame qualityValue pairs for the reference images.

If this is not empty and m_RDIqualityThreshold is > 0, then only images where qualityValue >= qualityThreshold are read and processed.

The only restriction on m_RDIqualityThreshold is that it is > 0. It is intendend to be something like Strehl ratio.

Definition at line 349 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_RDIqualityThreshold

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_RDIqualityThreshold {0}

Threshold to apply to qualityValues read from qualityFile.

If <= 0, then thresholding is not performed.

Definition at line 354 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_refIms

template<typename _realT >
eigenCube<realT> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_refIms

The optional reference image cube.

Definition at line 214 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_sigmaThreshold

template<typename _realT >
realT mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_sigmaThreshold {0}

The standard deviation threshold used if combineMethod == HCI::sigmaMeanCombine.

Definition at line 550 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_skipPreProcess

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_skipPreProcess {false}

Don't do any of the pre-processing steps (including coadding).

Definition at line 479 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_tgtIms

template<typename _realT >
eigenCube<realT> mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_tgtIms

The target image cube.

Definition at line 182 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_thresholdOnly

template<typename _realT >
bool mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_thresholdOnly {false}

Just prints the names and qualities of the files which pass threshold, and stop.

Useful mainly for debugging.

Definition at line 279 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

◆ m_weightFile

template<typename _realT >
std::string mx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT >::m_weightFile

Specifies a file containing the image weights, for combining with weighted mean.

This 2-column space-delimited ASCII file containing filenames and weights. It must be specified before readFiles() is executed. In readFiles this is loaded after the m_fileList is cutdown and matched to the remaining files.

Definition at line 545 of file HCIobservation.hpp.

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