c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
Gen. Math Files

Source files for General Mathematics


 Fitting Files
 FFT Files
 Cuda Files


file  math.hpp
 Definitions of constants.
file  eigenLapack.hpp
 Interfaces to Lapack and BLAS for Eigen-like arrays.
file  geo.hpp
 Utilities for working with angles.
file  gslInterpolation.hpp
 Wrappers for using the GNU Scientific Library 1-D interpolation functions.
file  gslInterpolator.hpp
 Class for managing 1-D interpolation using the GNU Scientific Library.
file  histogramUniform.hpp
 Header for the std::vector utilities.
file  logInterpolator.hpp
 Interpolation in log space.
file  math.hpp
 Definitions of constants.
file  radprofIntegral.hpp
 2D integration of a radial profile
file  randomSeed.hpp
 Defines a random number seed generator.
file  randomT.hpp
 Defines a random number type.
file  roots.hpp
 Declares and defines functions for finding roots.
file  templateBLAS.hpp
 Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the BLAS.
file  templateLapack.hpp
 Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the Lapack library.
file  vectorUtils.hpp
 Header for the std::vector utilities.
file  airyPattern.hpp
 Utilities related to the Airy pattern point spread function.
file  bessel.hpp
 Declares and defines Bessel functions of the first kind.
file  expModGaussian.hpp
 The Exponentially Modified Gaussian distribution.
file  factorial.hpp
 Declares and defines the factorial function.
file  gamma.hpp
 Declares and defines the gamma function.
file  gammaDistribution.hpp
 The Gamma Distribution.
file  gaussian.hpp
 Declarations for utilities related to the Gaussian function.
file  jinc.hpp
 Declares and defines the Jinc and Jinc2 functions.
file  legendre.hpp
 Declares and defines Legendre polynomials.
file  logistic.hpp
 The logistic function.
file  moffat.hpp
 Declarations for utilities related to the Moffat function.
file  sign.hpp
 Declares and defines the sign function.
file  weibull.hpp
 The Weibull distribution.
file  templateBLAS.cpp
 Implementation of templatized wrappers for the BLAS.
file  templateLapack.cpp
 Implementation of templatized wrappers for the Lapack library.