c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
Adaptive Optics Files

Files related to astronomical adaptive optics


file  aoPaths.hpp
 Standardized paths for the mx::AO system.
file  basis.hpp
 Utilities for working with a modal basis.
file  fourierBasis.hpp
 Generating a fourier basis.
file  influenceFunctions.hpp
 Utilities for generating and analyzing deformable mirror influence functions.
file  pupil.hpp
 Utilities for specifying pupils.
file  zernikeBasis.hpp
 Generating a Zernike basis.
file  aoAtmosphere.hpp
 Provides a class to specify atmosphere parameters.
file  aoConstants.hpp
 Calculate and provide constants related to adaptive optics.
file  aoPSDs.hpp
 Spatial power spectra used in adaptive optics.
file  aoSystem.hpp
 Declares and defines an analytical AO system.
file  aoWFS.hpp
 Definitions of various analytic wavefront sensors.
file  clAOLinearPredictor.hpp
 Provides a class to manage closed loop gain linear predictor determination.
file  clGainOpt.hpp
 Provides a class to manage closed loop gain optimization.
file  fourierCovariance.hpp
 Calculation of the modal covariance in the Fourier basis.
file  jincFuncs.hpp
 The +/- Jinc functions for analyzing contrast.
file  speckleAmpPSD.hpp
 Calculates the PSD of speckle intensity given a modified Fourier mode amplitude PSD.
file  varmapToImage.hpp
 A utility to convert a wavefront variance map to an intensity image.
file  wfsNoisePSD.hpp
 Declares and defines a function to calculate the measurement noise PSD.
file  ccdDetector.hpp
 Provides a class to simulate a CCD.