c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
Cmx::improc::ADIDerotator< _realT > | A generic ADI derotator class |
Cmx::math::fit::airy2D_obs_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the centrally obscured Airy pattern |
Cmx::math::fit::airy2D_obs_fitter_ps< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the obstructed Airy pattern, including platescale |
Cmx::math::fit::airy2D_obs_fitter_ps_eps< _realT > | |
Cmx::AO::analysis::aoAtmosphere< _realT > | A class to specify atmosphere parameters and perform related calculations |
Cmx::AO::analysis::aoAtmosphere< realT > | |
Cmx::AO::analysis::aoSystem< _realT, _inputSpectT, iosT > | Describes an analytic adaptive optics (AO) system |
Cmx::improc::aperturePhotometer< realT > | Class for performing aperture photometry on images |
Cmx::app::appConfigurator | Class to manage a set of configurable values, and read their values from config/ini files and the command line |
Cmx::app::application | A class for managing application configuration and execution |
Cmx::math::fit::array2Fit< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitAiry< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Airy details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitEmpirical< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with empirical function fit details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitExpModGaussian< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Exponentially Modified Gaussian details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitGammaDistribution< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with GammaDistribution details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitGaussian1D< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with !D Gaussian details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitGaussian2D< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with 2D Gaussian details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitMoffat< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Moffat details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitMoffat1D< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Moffat details |
Cmx::math::fit::array2FitWeibull< realT > | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with Weibull details |
Cmx::sigproc::psdFilterTypes::arrayT< realT, rank > | Types for different ranks in psdFilter |
Cmx::astro::astroFilter< _units, _rsr > | A spectrum from the astroFilt filter library |
Cmx::sigproc::autocorrelationFromPSD< T > | Functor for calculating the autocorrelation given a PSD |
Cmx::sigproc::autocorrelationFromPSD< realT > | |
Cmx::sigproc::averagePeriodogram< realT > | Calculate the average periodogram of a time-series |
Cmx::improc::azBoxKernel< _arrayT, _kernW > | Azimuthally variable boxcare kernel |
Cmx::astro::baseSpectrum< realT > | Base spectrum class which provides manipulation and characterization functionality |
►Cmx::astro::baseSpectrum< _spectrumT::units::realT > | |
►Cmx::astro::baseSpectrum< _units::realT > | |
Cmx::astro::basicSpectrum< _units > | A basic spectrum |
Cmx::improc::bilinearTransform< _arithT > | Transformation by bi-linear interpolation |
Cmx::astro::blackbody< units, freq > | The blackbody spectral energy distribution in the mx::astro::astroSpectrum form |
Cmx::astro::cahoySpectrumRaw< _units > | An albedo spectrum directly from the Cahoy et al (2010) [2] grid |
Cmx::astro::calspecSpectrum< _units > | A spectrum from the HST calspec library |
Cmx::AO::sim::ccdDetector< _realT > | A simulated CCD detector |
Cmx::astro::units::cgs< _realT > | Centimeter-Gram-Second (cgs) units-type |
►Cmx::base::changeable< _derivedT > | A simple class to track member data changes |
►Cmx::base::changeable< turbAtmosphere< _aoSystemT > > | |
Cmx::base::changeable< turbAtmosphere< aoSystemT > > | |
►Cmx::base::changeable< turbSubHarmonic< _turbAtmosphereT > > | |
Cmx::sigproc::circularBufferBase< _derivedT, _storedT, _indexT > | CRTP base class for all circular buffers, providing the underlying memory management and accessors |
►Cmx::sigproc::circularBufferBase< circularBufferBranch< _storedT, _indexT >, _storedT, _indexT > | |
►Cmx::sigproc::circularBufferBase< circularBufferIndex< _storedT, _indexT >, _storedT, _indexT > | |
►Cmx::sigproc::circularBufferBase< circularBufferMod< _storedT, _indexT >, _storedT, _indexT > | |
Cmx::AO::analysis::clAOLinearPredictor< _realT > | Class to manage the calculation of linear predictor coefficients for a closed-loop AO system |
Cmx::app::clOptions | Command line options parser |
Cmx::app::configTarget | A configuration target |
Cmx::improc::cubicConvolTransform< _arithT > | Transformation by cubic convolution interpolation |
Cmx::cuda::cudaPtr< T > | A smart-pointer wrapper for cuda device pointers |
Cmx::cuda::cudaPtr< complexT > | |
Cmx::cuda::cudaPtr< realT > | |
Cmx::math::degradT< degrad, realT > | Type holding constants related to angle calculations in degrees |
Cmx::math::degradT< degrees, _realT > | Type holding constants related to angle calculations in degrees |
Cmx::math::degradT< radians, _realT > | Type holding constants related to angle calculations in radians |
Cmx::AO::sim::directPhaseReconstructor< realT > | Direct Phase Reconstructor |
Cmx::astro::units::earth< _realT > | Earth units-type |
Cmx::astro::earthAlbedo< _units > | Earth Albedo Spectra |
Cmx::improc::eigenArrPlanes< arrT, isCube > | Function object to return the number of planes for any Eigen like object, whether 2D or a 3D cube |
Cmx::improc::eigenCube< dataT > | An image cube with an Eigen-like API |
Cmx::improc::eigenCube< floatT > | |
Cmx::improc::eigenCube< realT > | |
Cmx::math::fit::empirical2D_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for 2D empirical functions |
Cmx::math::ft::fftT< _inputT, _outputT, _rank, 0 > | Fast Fourier Transforms using the FFTW library |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwEnvironment< realT, threads > | Manage the FFTW environment and wisdom using RAII |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwPlanSpec< realT > | Specify the type of the plan based on the real type of the data |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwPlanSpec< __float128 > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for __float128 |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwPlanSpec< double > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for double |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwPlanSpec< float > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for float |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwPlanSpec< long double > | Specialization of fftwPlanSpec for long double |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< _inputDataT, _outputDataT > | A structure specifying various types based on the FFT input and output data types |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< __float128, complexQT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-quad input and complex-quad output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexDT, complexDT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-double input and complex-double output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexDT, double > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-double input and double output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexFT, complexFT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-float input and complex-float output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexFT, float > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-float input and real-float output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexLT, complexLT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-long-double input and complex-long-double output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexLT, long double > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-long-double input and real-long-double output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexQT, __float128 > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-quad input and real-quad output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< complexQT, complexQT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for complex-quad input and complex-quad output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< double, complexDT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-double input and complex-double output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< float, complexFT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-float input and complex-float output |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< inputT, outputT > | |
Cmx::math::ft::fftwTypeSpec< long double, complexLT > | Specialization of fftwTypeSpec for real-long-double input and complex-long-double output |
Cmx::math::fit::fitExpModGaussian_3param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the Exponentially Modified Gaussian with fixed constant level |
Cmx::math::fit::fitExpModGaussian_4param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the Exponentially Modified Gaussian with arbitrary constant level |
Cmx::fits::fitsFile< dataT > | Class to manage interactions with a FITS file |
Cmx::fits::fitsHeader | Class to manage a complete fits header |
Cmx::fits::fitsHeaderCard | Class to manage the three components of a FITS header card |
Cmx::AO::analysis::fourierCovariance< realT, aosysT > | Structure to manage the Fourier mode covariance calculation, passed to integration functions |
Cmx::sigproc::fourierModeDef | Structure to contain the parameters of a Fourier mode |
Cmx::AO::analysis::fourierTemporalPSD< _realT, aosysT > | Class to manage the calculation of temporal PSDs of the Fourier modes in atmospheric turbulence |
Cmx::wfp::fraunhoferPropagator< _wavefrontT > | Class to perform Fraunhofer propagation between pupil and focal planes |
Cmx::wfp::fraunhoferPropagator< _wavefrontT, 1 > | Class to perform Fraunhofer propagation between pupil and focal planes using a GPU |
Cmx::wfp::fraunhoferPropagator< complexFieldT > | |
Cmx::math::fit::gammaDistribution_2param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the Gamma Distribution |
Cmx::math::fit::gammaDistribution_3param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Gamma Distribution |
Cmx::math::fit::gammaDistribution_4param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Gamma Distribution with arbitrary peak scaling |
Cmx::math::fit::gaussian1D_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the symmetric Gaussian |
Cmx::math::fit::gaussian2D_gen_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the general elliptical Gaussian |
Cmx::math::fit::gaussian2D_sym_fitter< _realT > | Alias for the fitGaussian1D type fitting the gaussian |
Cmx::improc::gaussKernel< _arrayT, _kernW > | Symetric Gaussian smoothing kernel |
Cmx::AO::sim::generalIntegrator< _realT > | Implements a general integrator controller |
Cmx::sys::gitRepo | Interrogate the current state of a git repository |
Cmx::math::gnuPlot | An interactive c++ interface to gnuplot |
Cmx::math::gsl_interp_linear< _realT > | GSL Linear Interpolation |
Cmx::math::gsl_interp_steffen< _realT > | GSL Steffen Interpolation |
Cmx::math::gslInterpolator< interpT > | Class to manage interpolation using the GSL interpolation library |
Cmx::math::gslInterpolator< mx::math::gsl_interp_linear< double > > | |
Cmx::math::gslInterpolator< mx::math::gsl_interp_linear< realT > > | |
Cmx::math::gslInterpolator< mx::math::gsl_interp_steffen< realT > > | |
Cmx::math::fit::hasJacobian< T > | Test whether a function type has a Jacobian function by testing whether it has a typedef of "hasJacobian" |
►Cmx::improc::HCIobservation< _realT > | The basic high contrast imaging data type |
Cmx::math::histogramUniform< realT > | A histogram with uniform bin spacing |
Cmx::wfp::idealCoronagraph< _realT > | The Ideal Coronagraph |
Cmx::improc::imagePeakInterp< transformT > | Find the peak of an image using interpolation |
Cmx::improc::imageXCorrDiscrete< _ccImT > | Find the optimum shift to align two images using the discrete cross correlation |
Cmx::improc::imageXCorrFFT< _realImageT > | Find the optimum shift to align two images using the FFT cross correlation |
Cmx::improc::imCenterCircleSym< realT > | Find the center of the image of a point source using circular symmetry of the PSF |
Cmx::improc::imCenterRadon< transformT > | Find the center of the image of a point source using circular symmetry of the PSF |
Cmx::app::iniFile | A wrapper for the ini functions |
Cmx::improc::is_eigenCube< T > | Test whether a type is an eigenCube by testing whether it has a typedef of "is_eigenCube" |
Cmx::wfp::is_imagingArray< T > | Test whether a type is an imagingArray by testing whether it has a typedef of "is_imagingArray" |
Cmx::meta::is_std_vector< T, if_value_type > | Check whether a type is std::vector or not |
Cmx::meta::is_std_vector< T, false > | Partial specialization for the case with no value_type member type in T |
Cmx::meta::is_std_vector< T, true > | Partial specialization for the case with value_type member type in T, invoking std::is_same |
Cmx::astro::units::jupiter< _realT > | Jupiter units-type |
Cmx::math::laplace_distribution< _RealType > | The Laplace (double exponential) continuous distribution for random numbers |
Cmx::AO::sim::leakyIntegrator< _realT > | Implements the leaky integrator controller |
►Cmx::math::fit::levmarInterface< fitterT > | A templatized interface to the levmar package |
►Cmx::math::fit::levmarInterface< gaussian1D_fitter< _realT > > | |
►Cmx::math::fit::levmarInterface< moffat1D_fitter< _realT > > | |
Cmx::math::fit::levmarInterface< mx::math::fit::gaussian2D_gen_fitter< realT > > | |
Cmx::math::fit::levmarInterface< mx::math::fit::gaussian2D_gen_fitter< Scalar > > | |
Cmx::math::fit::levmarInterface< realT > | |
Cmx::sigproc::linearPredictor< _realT > | A class to support linear prediction |
Cmx::sigproc::linearPredictor< realT > | |
Cmx::math::logInterpolator< interpT > | Interpolate a function in log space |
Cmx::wfp::lyotCoronagraph< _realT, _fpmaskFloatT > | The Lyot Coronagraph |
Cmx::astro::mainSequence< realT > | Provide various characteristics of main sequence stars according to their spectral type |
Cmx::math::ft::mftT< _inputT, _outputT, _rank, 0 > | Matrix Fourier Transforms |
Cmx::improc::milkImage< _dataT > | Class to interface with an ImageStreamIO image in shared memory |
Cmx::math::fit::moffat1D_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the 1D Moffat |
Cmx::math::fit::moffat2D_sym_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the symmetric Moffat |
►Cmx::err::mxException | The mxlib exception class |
Cmx::ipc::ompLoopWatcher< _outputT, _printPretty, _printLoops, _printPercent, _printNLine, _time > | A class to track the number of iterations in an OMP parallelized loop |
Cmx::math::laplace_distribution< _RealType >::param_type | |
Cmx::astro::sqWaveFilter< _units, _rsr >::paramsT | The square wave is parameterized by the central wavelength, width, and sampling (all in microns) |
Cmx::astro::phoenixSpectrum< _units > | A spectrum from the Phoenix model, for use with ioutils::astro::astroSpectrum |
Cmx::astro::picklesSpectrum< _units > | A spectrum from the Pickles library |
Cmx::sigproc::psdFilter< _realT, 1 > | A class for filtering noise with PSDs using CUDA cuFFT |
Cmx::sigproc::psdFilter< _realT, _rank, 0 > | A class for filtering noise with PSDs |
Cmx::sigproc::psdVarMean< paramsT > | Calculate the variance of the mean for a process given its PSD |
Cmx::sigproc::psdVarMeanParams< _realT > | Parameters for calculating the variance of the mean from a numerical PSD |
Cmx::AO::sim::pywfsSlopeReconstructor< _floatT > | A Pyramid Wavefront Sensor slope reconstructor |
Cmx::math::randomT< typeT, _ranengT, _randistT > | A random number type, which functions like any other arithmetic type |
Cmx::math::randomT< int, std::mt19937_64, std::poisson_distribution< int > > | |
Cmx::math::randomT< long, std::mt19937_64, std::poisson_distribution< long > > | |
Cmx::math::randomT< realT > | |
Cmx::math::randomT< realT, std::mt19937_64, std::gamma_distribution< realT > > | |
Cmx::math::randomT< realT, std::mt19937_64, std::normal_distribution< realT > > | |
Cmx::ipc::sharedMemSegment | A c++ class to manage a System V shared memory segment with memory mapping |
Cmx::astro::units::si< _realT > | International System of Units (SI) units-type |
Cmx::AO::sim::simulatedAOSystem< _realT, _wfsT, _reconT, _filterT, _dmT, _turbSeqT, _coronT > | A simulated AO system |
Cmx::ioutils::skipCol | A dummy class to allow mx::readColumns to skip a column(s) in a file without requiring memory allocation |
Cmx::astro::units::solar< _realT > | Solar units-type |
Cmx::improc::sourceFinder< _realT > | Find stars in an image by SNR thresholding |
Cmx::astro::sqWaveFilter< _units, _rsr > | A square-wave filter spectrum |
Cmx::math::syevrMem< floatT > | A struct to hold the working memory for eigenSYEVR and maintain it between calls if desired |
Cmx::ioutils::textTable | An ascii table formatter |
Cmx::meta::trueFalseT< trueFalse > | Template declaration of a trueFalseT type |
Cmx::meta::trueFalseT< false > | The false specialization of trueFalseT |
►Cmx::meta::trueFalseT< true > | The true specialization of trueFalseT |
Cmx::AO::sim::turbLayer< _aoSystemT > | Simulation of a single turbulent layer |
Cmx::meta::typeDescription< T > | Struct which contains static members describing a type |
Cmx::fits::fitsHeaderCard::values | The native type is held in a union |
Cmx::astro::venusAlbedo< _units > | Venus Spectra |
Cmx::AO::analysis::vonKarmanSpectrum< realT > | Manage calculations using the von Karman spatial power spectrum |
Cmx::AO::sim::wavefront< _realT > | Structure containing the phase and amplitude of a wavefront |
Cmx::math::fit::weibull_2param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Weibull Distribution |
Cmx::math::fit::weibull_3param_fitter< _realT > | levmarInterface fitter structure for the shifted Weibull Distribution |
►Cmx::AO::analysis::wfs< realT, iosT > | The ideal wavefront sensor sensitivity function |
Cmx::AO::analysis::wfs< realT, std::ostream > | |
Cmx::AO::analysis::zernikeCovariance< realT, aosysT > | Structure to manage the zernike mode covariance calculation, passed to integration functions |
Cmx::AO::analysis::zernikeTemporalPSD< _realT, aosysT > | Class to manage the calculation of temporal PSDs of the Fourier modes in atmospheric turbulence |