c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
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1 /** \file imCenterRadon.hpp
2  * \brief A class to find PSF centers using circular symmetry.
3  * \ingroup image_processing_files
4  * \author Jared R. Males (
5  *
6  */
8 //***********************************************************************//
9 // Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 Jared R. Males (
10 //
11 // This file is part of mxlib.
12 //
13 // mxlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 // (at your option) any later version.
17 //
18 // mxlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 // GNU General Public License for more details.
22 //
23 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 // along with mxlib. If not, see <>.
25 //***********************************************************************//
27 #ifndef __imCenterRadon_hpp__
28 #define __imCenterRadon_hpp__
30 #include "../math/vectorUtils.hpp"
31 #include "../math/fit/fitGaussian.hpp"
32 #include "imageFilters.hpp"
33 #include "eigenImage.hpp"
34 #include "imagePeakInterp.hpp"
36 //#define ICCS_OMP
37 namespace mx
38 {
39 namespace improc
40 {
43 ///Find the center of the image of a point source using circular symmetry of the PSF.
44 /** Conducts a grid search through possible center positions. Finds the point with the minimum
45  * total variance around concentric circles about that point. The cost grid is fit with a Gaussian.
46  *
47  * \tparam realT is a real floating point type.
48  *
49  * \ingroup image_reg
50  */
51 template<typename transformT>
53 {
55  typedef typename transformT::arithT realT;
57  eigenImage<realT> m_grid; ///< The cost grid.
59  realT m_maxPix {2}; ///<The maximum range of the grid search, the grid will be +/- maxPix. Default: 5.0.
60  realT m_dPix {0.1}; ///< The spacing of the points in the grid search. Default: 0.1.
61  realT m_peakTol {0.1}; ///< The tolerance for the peak finding. This is multiplicative with m_dPix.
63  realT m_minRad {1.0}; ///< The minimum radius to include in the transform. Default: 1.0.
64  realT m_maxRad {10}; ///< The maximum radius to include in the transform. Default: 10.0.
65  realT m_dRad {0.1}; ///< The spacing of the radii. Default: 0.1.
67  realT m_angTolPix {1.0}; ///< The angle tolerance in pixels at the maximum radius, sets the angular step size. Default is 1.0.
69  realT m_guessWidth {0.5}; ///< Guess in original pixels for the FWHM of the cost grid. Default is 0.5, which seems to work well in most cases.
71  ///The fitter for finding the centroid of the grid. You can use this to inspect the details of the fit if desired.
72  //mx::math::fit::fitGaussian2D<mx::gaussian2D_gen_fitter<realT>> fit;
75  realT m_x0; ///< Internal storage of the guess center position
76  realT m_y0; ///< Internal storage of the guess center position.
79  {
80  }
83  ///Peform the grid search and fit.
84  int center( realT & x, ///< [out] the x-coordinate of the estimated center of rotational symmetry
85  realT & y, ///< [out] the y-coordinate estimated center of rotational symmetry
86  eigenImage<realT> & im, ///< [in] the image to centroid
87  realT x0, ///< [in] an initial guess at the x-coordinate, the grid is centered about this point.
88  realT y0 ///< [in] an initial guess at the y-coordinate, the grid is centered about this point.
89  )
90  {
91  m_x0 = x0;
92  m_y0 = y0;
94  const int lbuff = transformT::lbuff;
95  const int width = transformT::width;
97  transformT trans;
99  m_grid.resize( 2*(m_maxPix/m_dPix) + 1, 2*(m_maxPix/m_dPix) + 1);
101  int N = 2*(m_maxPix/m_dPix)+1;
103  realT startX, startY;
107  for(int i =0; i<N; ++i)
108  {
109  startX = x0 - m_maxPix + i*m_dPix;
110  for(int j=0; j<N;++j)
111  {
112  startY = y0 - m_maxPix + j*m_dPix;
114  m_grid(i,j) = 0;
116  realT dang = math::rtod(atan(1.0/m_maxRad));
117  int Nang = 360./dang + 1;
118  dang = 360./Nang;
121  #pragma omp parallel for
122  #endif
123  for(int iang =0; iang < Nang; ++iang)
124  {
125  realT ang = iang*dang;
127  eigenImage<realT> kern;
128  kern.resize(width,width);
130  realT cosang = cos(ang*3.14159/180.);
131  realT sinang = sin(ang*3.14159/180.);
132  realT lineint = 0;
133  for(realT rad=m_minRad; rad < m_maxRad; rad += m_dRad)
134  {
135  realT xx = startX + rad * cosang;
136  realT yy = startY + rad * sinang;
138  int i0 = xx;
139  int j0 = yy;
140  realT dx = xx - i0;
141  realT dy = yy - j0;
143  trans(kern, dx, dy);
144  lineint += (im.block(i0-lbuff,j0-lbuff, width, width) * kern).sum();
145  }
146  #pragma omp critical
147  m_grid(i,j) += lineint*lineint*pow(m_dRad,2);
148  }
149  m_grid(i,j) /= Nang;
150  } //j
151  } //i
153  return fitGrid(x,y, m_grid);
155  }
157  /// Fit the transform grid
158  /** A separate function for testing, does not normally need to be called independently
159  */
160  int fitGrid( realT & x, ///< [out] the x-coordinate of the estimated center of rotational symmetry
161  realT & y, ///< [out] the y-coordinate estimated center of rotational symmetry
162  eigenImage<realT> grid
163  )
164  {
167  ipi(x,y,grid);
169  x = m_x0 - m_maxPix + x*m_dPix;
170  y = m_y0 - m_maxPix + y*m_dPix;
172  return 0;
174  //Get initial guess for the fit.
175  realT mx, mn, gx, gy;
177  mx = grid.maxCoeff(&gx, &gy);
178  mn = grid.minCoeff();
181  //------------- Now fit the grid to a 2D elliptical Gaussian ------------
182  /** \todo This needs to be able to handle highly non-symmetric peaks much better.
183  */
184  m_fit.setArray(, grid.rows(), grid.cols());
185  m_fit.setGuess(mn, mx-mn, gx, gy, m_guessWidth/m_dPix, m_guessWidth/m_dPix, 0);
189  //The estimated enter of circular symmetry from the fit.
190  x = m_x0 - m_maxPix + m_fit.x0()*m_dPix;
191  y = m_y0 - m_maxPix + m_fit.y0()*m_dPix;
193  return 0;
194  }
196  ///Output the results to a stream
197  /** Prints a result summary to the input stream.
198  *
199  * \tparam iosT is a std::ostream-like type.
200  * \tparam comment is a comment character to start each line. Can be '\0'.
201  */
202  template<typename iosT, char comment='#'>
203  iosT & dumpResults( iosT & ios )
204  {
205  char c[] = {comment, '\0'};
207  ios << c << "--------------------------------------\n";
208  ios << c << "mx::improc::imCenterRadon Results \n";
209  ios << c << "--------------------------------------\n";
210  ios << c << "Estimated x-center: " << m_x0 - m_maxPix + m_fit.x0()*m_dPix << "\n";
211  ios << c << "Estimated y-center: " << m_y0 - m_maxPix + m_fit.y0()*m_dPix << "\n";
212  ios << c << "Cost half-width: " << 0.5*math::func::sigma2fwhm<realT>( sqrt( pow(m_fit.sigma_x(),2) + pow(m_fit.sigma_y(),2)) * m_dPix) << " pixels\n";
213  ios << c << "--------------------------------------\n";
214  ios << c << "Setup:\n";
215  ios << c << "--------------------------------------\n";
216  ios << c << "maxPix: " << m_maxPix << "\n";
217  ios << c << "dPix: " << m_dPix << "\n";
218  ios << c << "minRad: " << m_minRad << "\n";
219  ios << c << "maxRad: " << m_maxRad << "\n";
220  ios << c << "dRad: " << m_dRad << "\n";
221  ios << c << "angTolPix: " << m_angTolPix << "\n";
222  ios << c << "guessWidth: " << m_guessWidth << "\n";
223  ios << c << "--------------------------------------\n";
224  ios << c << "Fit results:\n" ;
225  m_fit.dumpReport(ios);
226  ios << c << "--------------------------------------\n";
228  return ios;
229  }
231  ///Output the results to std::cout
232  /** Prints a result summary to std::cout
233  *
234  * \tparam comment is a comment character to start each line. Can be '\0'.
235  */
236  template<char comment ='#'>
237  std::ostream & dumpResults()
238  {
239  return dumpResults<std::ostream, comment>(std::cout);
240  }
242 };
244 } //improc
245 } //mx
247 #endif //__imCenterRadon_hpp__
Class to manage fitting a 2D Gaussian to data via the levmarInterface.
Tools for using the eigen library for image processing.
constexpr units::realT c()
The speed of light.
Definition: constants.hpp:60
Eigen::Array< scalarT, -1, -1 > eigenImage
Definition of the eigenImage type, which is an alias for Eigen::Array.
Definition: eigenImage.hpp:44
realT rtod(realT q)
Convert from radians to degrees.
Definition: geo.hpp:147
Image filters (smoothing, radial profiles, etc.)
A class to find the location of a peak using interpolation.
The mxlib c++ namespace.
Definition: mxError.hpp:107
Transformation by cubic convolution interpolation.
Find the center of the image of a point source using circular symmetry of the PSF.
int center(realT &x, realT &y, eigenImage< realT > &im, realT x0, realT y0)
Peform the grid search and fit.
std::ostream & dumpResults()
Output the results to std::cout.
iosT & dumpResults(iosT &ios)
Output the results to a stream.
realT m_x0
Internal storage of the guess center position.
realT m_peakTol
The tolerance for the peak finding. This is multiplicative with m_dPix.
int fitGrid(realT &x, realT &y, eigenImage< realT > grid)
Fit the transform grid.
realT m_dRad
The spacing of the radii. Default: 0.1.
realT m_maxRad
The maximum radius to include in the transform. Default: 10.0.
realT m_guessWidth
Guess in original pixels for the FWHM of the cost grid. Default is 0.5, which seems to work well in m...
realT m_dPix
The spacing of the points in the grid search. Default: 0.1.
mx::math::fit::fitGaussian2Dgen< realT > m_fit
The fitter for finding the centroid of the grid. You can use this to inspect the details of the fit i...
realT m_minRad
The minimum radius to include in the transform. Default: 1.0.
realT m_angTolPix
The angle tolerance in pixels at the maximum radius, sets the angular step size. Default is 1....
realT m_maxPix
The maximum range of the grid search, the grid will be +/- maxPix. Default: 5.0.
eigenImage< realT > m_grid
The cost grid.
realT m_y0
Internal storage of the guess center position.
Find the peak of an image using interpolation.