c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
Files | |
file | aoAtmosphere.hpp [code] |
Provides a class to specify atmosphere parameters. | |
file | aoConstants.hpp [code] |
Calculate and provide constants related to adaptive optics. | |
file | aoPSDs.hpp [code] |
Spatial power spectra used in adaptive optics. | |
file | aoSystem.hpp [code] |
Declares and defines an analytical AO system. | |
file | aoWFS.hpp [code] |
Definitions of various analytic wavefront sensors. | |
file | clAOLinearPredictor.hpp [code] |
Provides a class to manage closed loop gain linear predictor determination. | |
file | clGainOpt.hpp [code] |
Provides a class to manage closed loop gain optimization. | |
file | fourierCovariance.hpp [code] |
Calculation of the modal covariance in the Fourier basis. | |
file | fourierTemporalPSD.hpp [code] |
Calculation of the temporal PSD of Fourier modes. | |
file | jincFuncs.hpp [code] |
The +/- Jinc functions for analyzing contrast. | |
file | speckleAmpPSD.hpp [code] |
Calculates the PSD of speckle intensity given a modified Fourier mode amplitude PSD. | |
file | varmapToImage.hpp [code] |
A utility to convert a wavefront variance map to an intensity image. | |
file | wfsNoisePSD.hpp [code] |
Declares and defines a function to calculate the measurement noise PSD. | |
file | zernikeTemporalPSD.hpp [code] |
Calculation of the temporal PSD of Zernike modes. | |