c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
math Directory Reference



file  eigenLapack.hpp [code]
 Interfaces to Lapack and BLAS for Eigen-like arrays.
file  geo.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with angles.
file  gslInterpolation.hpp [code]
 Wrappers for using the GNU Scientific Library 1-D interpolation functions.
file  gslInterpolator.hpp [code]
 Class for managing 1-D interpolation using the GNU Scientific Library.
file  histogramUniform.hpp [code]
 Header for the std::vector utilities.
file  logInterpolator.hpp [code]
 Interpolation in log space.
file  math.hpp [code]
 Definitions of constants.
file  radprofIntegral.hpp [code]
 2D integration of a radial profile
file  randomSeed.hpp [code]
 Defines a random number seed generator.
file  randomT.hpp [code]
 Defines a random number type.
file  roots.hpp [code]
 Declares and defines functions for finding roots.
file  templateBLAS.hpp [code]
 Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the BLAS.
file  templateLapack.hpp [code]
 Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the Lapack library.
file  vectorUtils.hpp [code]
 Header for the std::vector utilities.