c++ tools for analyzing astronomical data and other tasks by Jared R. Males. [git repo]
► ao | |
► analysis | |
aoAtmosphere.hpp | Provides a class to specify atmosphere parameters |
aoConstants.hpp | Calculate and provide constants related to adaptive optics |
aoPSDs.hpp | Spatial power spectra used in adaptive optics |
aoSystem.hpp | Declares and defines an analytical AO system |
aoWFS.hpp | Definitions of various analytic wavefront sensors |
clAOLinearPredictor.hpp | Provides a class to manage closed loop gain linear predictor determination |
clGainOpt.hpp | Provides a class to manage closed loop gain optimization |
fourierCovariance.hpp | Calculation of the modal covariance in the Fourier basis |
fourierTemporalPSD.hpp | Calculation of the temporal PSD of Fourier modes |
jincFuncs.hpp | The +/- Jinc functions for analyzing contrast |
speckleAmpPSD.hpp | Calculates the PSD of speckle intensity given a modified Fourier mode amplitude PSD |
varmapToImage.hpp | A utility to convert a wavefront variance map to an intensity image |
wfsNoisePSD.hpp | Declares and defines a function to calculate the measurement noise PSD |
zernikeCovariance.hpp | Calculation of the modal covariance in the zernike basis |
zernikeTemporalPSD.hpp | Calculation of the temporal PSD of Zernike modes |
► sim | |
ccdDetector.hpp | Provides a class to simulate a CCD |
deformableMirror.hpp | |
directPhaseReconstructor.hpp | |
directPhaseReconstructorD.hpp | |
directPhaseReconstructorOrtho.hpp | |
directPhaseSensor.hpp | Declaration and definition of a direct phase sensor |
generalIntegrator.hpp | Declares and defines a general integrator controller class for AO control |
leakyIntegrator.hpp | Declares and defines the leaky integrator controller class for AO control |
pyramidSensor.hpp | Declaration and definition of a standard 4 quadrant pyramid WFS |
pyramidSensorSepQuad.hpp | |
pywfsSlopeReconstructor.hpp | |
simulatedAOSystem.hpp | |
turbAtmosphere.hpp | Declaration and definition of a turbulent atmosphere |
turbLayer.hpp | Declaration and definition of a turbulence layer |
turbSequence.hpp | Manage a turbulence sequence saved as FITS files |
turbSubHarmonic.hpp | |
wavefront.hpp | |
wooferTweeterDM.hpp | |
wooferTweeterFilter.hpp | |
wooferTweeterReconstructor.hpp | |
aoPaths.hpp | Standardized paths for the mx::AO system |
basis.hpp | Utilities for working with a modal basis |
fourierBasis.hpp | Generating a fourier basis |
influenceFunctions.hpp | Utilities for generating and analyzing deformable mirror influence functions |
pupil.hpp | Utilities for specifying pupils |
zernikeBasis.hpp | Generating a Zernike basis |
► app | |
appConfigurator.hpp | An application configuration manager |
application.hpp | A class for managing application configuration and execution |
clOptions.hpp | A command line parser |
configTarget.hpp | Targets for the configuration manager, and utiltities |
ini.hpp | The inih ini-style, file parser modified for mxlib |
iniFile.hpp | Declares and defines an ini-style (toml) file parser |
► astro | |
astroDynamics.hpp | Various utilities for astrodynamics |
astroSpectra.hpp | Type definitions for the astronomical spectral libraries |
astroSpectrum.hpp | A class for working with astronomical spectra |
blackbody.hpp | |
cahoyAlbedos.hpp | Type definitions for the Cahoy et al 2010 albedo spectra |
constants.hpp | Constants for astronomy |
kepler.hpp | Declarations for the utilities related to the Kepler problem | | |
orbitUtils.hpp | Utilities related to orbits |
phoenixSpectrum.hpp | |
planets.hpp | Various utilities related to planets |
sofa.hpp | Wrapper for the sofa library headers, adding a namespace |
stars.hpp | Various utilities related to stars |
units.hpp | Unit specifications and conversions |
► base | |
changeable.hpp | A simple class to track member data changes |
► doc | |
sofa_constants.h | |
► improc | |
ADIDerotator.hpp | Defines a generic ADI derotator class |
ADIobservation.hpp | Defines the ADI high contrast imaging data type |
aperturePhotometer.hpp | Class for conducting aperture photometry on an image |
circleOuterpix.hpp | Declares and defines a class for finding the edge of a circle mask |
eigenCube.hpp | An image cube with an Eigen API |
eigenImage.hpp | Tools for using the eigen library for image processing |
HCIobservation.hpp | Defines the basic high contrast imaging data type |
imageFilters.hpp | Image filters (smoothing, radial profiles, etc.) |
imageMasks.hpp | Declares and defines functions to work with image masks |
imagePads.hpp | Image padding |
imagePeakInterp.hpp | A class to find the location of a peak using interpolation |
imageTransforms.hpp | Image interpolation and transformation |
imageUtils.hpp | Header for the image processing utilities |
imageXCorr.hpp | CRTP base class to register images |
imageXCorrDiscrete.hpp | A class to register images using the discrete cross correlation |
imageXCorrFFT.hpp | A class to register images using the Fourier cross correlation with a peak fit |
imCenterCircleSym.hpp | A class to find PSF centers using circular symmetry |
imCenterRadon.hpp | A class to find PSF centers using circular symmetry |
improc.hpp | Library nclude for the improc module |
KLIPreduction.hpp | Declarations and definitions for an implementation of the Karhunen-Loeve Image Processing (KLIP) algorithm |
milkImage.hpp | Interface to MILK::ImageStreamIO shared memory streams |
sourceFinder.hpp | Declares and defines a class for finding sources in images |
► ioutils | |
► fits | |
fitsFile.hpp | Declares and defines a class to work with a FITS file |
fitsHeader.hpp | Declares and defines a class to work with a FITS header |
fitsHeaderCard.hpp | A class to work with a FITS header card |
fitsUtils.hpp | Declares and defines utilities to work with FITS files |
binVector.hpp | A utility to read/write vectors of data from/to a binary file |
fileUtils.hpp | Declarations of utilities for working with files |
ioutils.hpp | Library nclude for the ioutils module |
pout.hpp | Declaration and definition of a simple formatted output function |
rawBinary.hpp | Provides functions for working with raw binary files |
readColumns.hpp | A utility to read in columns from a text file |
stringUtils.hpp | Utilities for working with strings |
textTable.hpp | Declares and defines a simple text table manager |
► ipc | |
ipc.hpp | Declarations for the mxlib interprocess communication (IPC) tools |
ompLoopWatcher.hpp | Track iterations in an OMP parallelized looop |
processInterface.hpp | Process interface facilities |
sharedMemSegment.hpp | Declarations for the mxlib shared memory facility |
► math | |
► cuda | |
cudaPtr.hpp | A wrapper for cuda device pointers |
templateCublas.hpp | A template interface to cuBlas |
templateCuda.hpp | Utilities for a template interface to cuda |
templateCufft.hpp | A template interface to cufft |
templateCurand.hpp | A template interface to curand |
► fft | |
fftT.hpp | The Fast Fourier Transform interface |
fftwEnvironment.hpp | Declares and defines the fftwEnvironment manager |
fftwTemplates.hpp | Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the fftw library |
ft.hpp | Fourier Transforms |
mftT.hpp | The Matrix Fourier Transform interface |
► fit | |
array2FitGaussian1D.hpp | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with 1D Gaussian details |
array2FitGaussian2D.hpp | Wrapper for a native array to pass to levmarInterface, with 2D Gaussian details |
fitAiry.hpp | Tools for fitting the Airy pattern to PSF images |
fitEmpirical.hpp | Tools for fitting empirical functions to data |
fitExpModGaussian.hpp | Tools for fitting the GammaDistribution distribution to data |
fitGammaDistribution.hpp | Tools for fitting the GammaDistribution distribution to data |
fitGaussian.hpp | Tools for fitting Gaussians to data |
fitMoffat.hpp | Tools for fitting Moffat functions to data |
fitWeibull.hpp | Tools for fitting the Weibull distribution to data |
levmarInterface.hpp | A c++ interface to the templatized levmar minimization routines. |
templateLevmar.hpp | Templatized wrappers to the levmar minimization routines. |
► func | |
airyPattern.hpp | Utilities related to the Airy pattern point spread function |
bessel.hpp | Declares and defines Bessel functions of the first kind |
expModGaussian.hpp | The Exponentially Modified Gaussian distribution |
factorial.hpp | Declares and defines the factorial function |
gamma.hpp | Declares and defines the gamma function |
gammaDistribution.hpp | The Gamma Distribution |
gaussian.hpp | Declarations for utilities related to the Gaussian function |
jinc.hpp | Declares and defines the Jinc and Jinc2 functions |
legendre.hpp | Declares and defines Legendre polynomials |
logistic.hpp | The logistic function |
moffat.hpp | Declarations for utilities related to the Moffat function |
precision.hpp | |
sign.hpp | Declares and defines the sign function |
weibull.hpp | The Weibull distribution |
► plot | |
gnuPlot.hpp | Declaration and definition of an interface to the gnuplot program |
constants.hpp | |
eigenLapack.hpp | Interfaces to Lapack and BLAS for Eigen-like arrays |
geo.hpp | Utilities for working with angles |
gslInterpolation.hpp | Wrappers for using the GNU Scientific Library 1-D interpolation functions |
gslInterpolator.hpp | Class for managing 1-D interpolation using the GNU Scientific Library |
histogramUniform.hpp | Header for the std::vector utilities |
logInterpolator.hpp | Interpolation in log space |
logRadProfIntegrator.hpp | |
math.hpp | Definitions of constants |
radprofIntegral.hpp | 2D integration of a radial profile |
randomSeed.hpp | Defines a random number seed generator |
randomT.hpp | Defines a random number type |
roots.hpp | Declares and defines functions for finding roots |
templateBLAS.hpp | Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the BLAS |
templateLapack.hpp | Declares and defines templatized wrappers for the Lapack library |
vectorUtils.hpp | Header for the std::vector utilities |
► meta | |
trueFalseT.hpp | Declares and defines a true-false virtual type used for boolean template overrides |
typeDescription.hpp | Type description helper classes |
typeTraits.hpp | A collection of type trait evaluations |
► sigproc | |
arpsd.hpp | Tools for working with autogressive PSDs |
autocorrelation.hpp | Tools for working with autocorrelations |
averagePeriodogram.hpp | A class to manage calculation of periodograms from time series data |
basisUtils2D.hpp | Utilities for a working with a 2D basis set |
circularBuffer.hpp | A circular buffer class |
crossCorrelation.hpp | |
fourierModes.hpp | Functions for generating 2D Fourier modes |
gramSchmidt.hpp | Procedures to orthogonalize vector basis sets |
levinsonRecursion.hpp | |
linearPredictor.hpp | Working with linear prediction |
psdFilter.hpp | Declares and defines a class for filtering with PSDs |
psdFilterCuda.hpp | Declares and defines a class for filtering with PSDs on CUDA GPUs |
psdUtils.hpp | Tools for working with PSDs |
psdVarMean.hpp | Tools for calculating the variance of the mean of a PSD |
signalWindows.hpp | Procedures to calculate window functions for signal processing |
sigproc.hpp | Library include for the sigproc module |
zernike.hpp | Working with the Zernike polynomials |
► source | |
► app | |
appConfigurator.cpp | Implementation of An application configuration manager |
application.cpp | Implementation of a class for managing applications |
clOptions.cpp | Implementatino of a command line parser |
ini.cpp | Implementation of the The inih ini-style, file parser modified for mxlib |
optionparser.cpp | |
► improc | |
ADIDerotator.cpp | Implements a generic ADI derotator class |
ADIobservation.cpp | Instantiates the ADI high contrast imaging data type |
HCIobservation.cpp | Instantiation of the basic high contrast imaging data type |
imageUtils.cpp | Implementation of image processing utilities |
KLIPreduction.cpp | Instantiations of an implementation of the Karhunen-Loeve Image Processing (KLIP) algorithm |
► ioutils | |
► fits | |
fitsHeader.cpp | Implementation of a class to work with a FITS header |
fitsHeaderCard.cpp | Definitiions for a class to work with a FITS header card |
fitsUtils.cpp | Implementation of utilities to work with FITS files |
fileUtils.cpp | Definitions of utilities for working with files |
stringUtils.cpp | Implementation of utilities for working with strings |
textTable.cpp | Implementation for a simple text table manager |
► ipc | |
processInterface.cpp | Process interface facilities |
sharedMemSegment.cpp | Definitions for the mxlib shared memory facility |
► math | |
templateBLAS.cpp | Implementation of templatized wrappers for the BLAS |
templateLapack.cpp | Implementation of templatized wrappers for the Lapack library |
► sigproc | |
zernike.cpp | Working with the Zernike polynomials |
► sys | |
environment.cpp | Utilities for working with the environment |
gitRepo.cpp | Interrogate the current state of a git repository (definitions) |
timeUtils.cpp | Definitions for utilities for working with time |
mxError.cpp | Function definitions for the mxlib error reporting system |
mxlib.cpp | Implementations of some libarary wide utilities |
mxlib_comp_version.h | |
► sys | |
environment.hpp | Utilities for working with the environment |
gitRepo.hpp | Interrogate the current state of a git repository (declarations) |
sys.hpp | Library include for the sys module |
timeUtils.hpp | Utilities for working with time |
► tests | |
► include | |
► ao | |
► analysis | |
aoAtmosphere_test.cpp | |
aoPSDs_test.cpp | |
aoSystem_test.cpp | |
► app | |
appConfigurator_test.cpp | |
► astro | |
astroDynamics_test.cpp | |
► improc | |
imageMasks_test.cpp | |
imageTransforms_test.cpp | |
imageUtils_test.cpp | |
imageXCorrDiscrete_test.cpp | |
imageXCorrFFT_test.cpp | |
► ioutils | |
fileUtils_test.cpp | |
► math | |
► cuda | |
templateCublas_test.cpp | |
► func | |
moffat_test.cpp | |
geo_test.cpp | |
randomT_test.cpp | |
templateBLAS_test.cpp | |
templateLapack_test.cpp | |
► sigproc | |
psdFilter_test.cpp | |
psdUtils_test.cpp | |
signalWindows_test.cpp | |
zernike_test.cpp | |
► sys | |
timeUtils_test.cpp | |
► wfp | |
fraunhoferPropagator.hpp | Declares and defines a class for Fraunhofer propagation of optical wavefronts |
fraunhoferPropagatorCuda.hpp | Declares and defines a class for Fraunhofer propagation of optical wavefronts with Cuda |
idealCoronagraph.hpp | Declares and defines a class to describe the Ideal Coronagraph |
imagingArray.hpp | Declares and defines a class for managing images |
imagingUtils.hpp | Utilities for modeling image formation |
lyotCoronagraph.hpp | Declares and defines a class to describe and optimize a Lyot Coronagraph |
mxError.hpp | Declares and defines the mxlib error reporting system |
mxException.hpp | Declares and defines the mxlib exception class |
mxlib.hpp | Declarations of some libarary wide utilities |
mxlib_uncomp_version.h |